Baby Prestige

High profile nanny agency

Baby Prestige is a high profile nanny agency providing childcare services in Paris, Chantilly, Evian, London and on the French Riviera. We specialize in placing highly proficient baby-sitters in luxury hotels, live in nannies, daily nannies, maternity nurses and governesses in private households .

We also provides other services such as organizing birthday parties, providing private school transportation, we have e-shop and a kids shop where we sell party supplies, and have on  daily basis kids workshops.

Register and find your nanny online

You are looking for a nanny, and have specific expectations and criteria? You are open to discuss work contract and salary with her?

To assist you in your search, Baby Prestige has decided to let you have access to its nannies’ contact information by subscribing to our agency giving you access to the resumes, phone and email address. References check are available upon request.

The largest hotels group and luxury hotels are already working with us, why not give it a try ?

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Notre personnel est sélectionné avec une grande exigence pour vous garantir un excellent service.


La majorité des grands hôtels parisiens nous font confiance depuis presque 10 ans.


Nous sommes joignables 24h/24, 7j/7 pour vous proposer une solution dans l’heure.


Nos services sont disponibles dans une dizaine de langues